# $Id$ # GENERATORS -> msg map # Format: generatorid || alertid || MSG 1 || 1 || snort general alert 2 || 1 || tag: Tagged Packet 3 || 1 || snort dynamic alert 100 || 1 || spp_portscan: Portscan Detected 100 || 2 || spp_portscan: Portscan Status 100 || 3 || spp_portscan: Portscan Ended 101 || 1 || spp_minfrag: minfrag alert 102 || 1 || http_decode: Unicode Attack 102 || 2 || http_decode: CGI NULL Byte Attack 102 || 3 || http_decode: large method attempted 102 || 4 || http_decode: missing uri 102 || 5 || http_decode: double encoding detected 102 || 6 || http_decode: illegal hex values detected 102 || 7 || http_decode: overlong character detected 103 || 1 || spp_defrag: Fragmentation Overflow Detected 103 || 2 || spp_defrag: Stale Fragments Discarded 104 || 1 || spp_anomsensor: SPADE Anomaly Threshold Exceeded 104 || 2 || spp_anomsensor: SPADE Anomaly Threshold Adjusted 105 || 1 || spp_bo: Back Orifice Traffic Detected 105 || 2 || spp_bo: Back Orifice Client Traffic Detected 105 || 3 || spp_bo: Back Orifice Server Traffic Detected 105 || 4 || spp_bo: Back Orifice Snort Buffer Attack 106 || 1 || spp_rpc_decode: Fragmented RPC Records 106 || 2 || spp_rpc_decode: Multiple Records in one packet 106 || 3 || spp_rpc_decode: Large RPC Record Fragment 106 || 4 || spp_rpc_decode: Incomplete RPC segment 106 || 5 || spp_rpc_decode: Zero-length RPC Fragment 110 || 1 || spp_unidecode: CGI NULL Attack 110 || 2 || spp_unidecode: Directory Traversal 110 || 3 || spp_unidecode: Unknown Mapping 110 || 4 || spp_unidecode: Invalid Mapping 111 || 1 || spp_stream4: Stealth Activity Detected 111 || 2 || spp_stream4: Evasive Reset Packet 111 || 3 || spp_stream4: Retransmission 111 || 4 || spp_stream4: Window Violation 111 || 5 || spp_stream4: Data on SYN Packet 111 || 6 || spp_stream4: Full XMAS Stealth Scan 111 || 7 || spp_stream4: SAPU Stealth Scan 111 || 8 || spp_stream4: FIN Stealth Scan 111 || 9 || spp_stream4: NULL Stealth Scan 111 || 10 || spp_stream4: NMAP XMAS Stealth Scan 111 || 11 || spp_stream4: VECNA Stealth Scan 111 || 12 || spp_stream4: NMAP Fingerprint Stateful Detection 111 || 13 || spp_stream4: SYN FIN Stealth Scan 111 || 14 || spp_stream4: TCP forward overlap detected 111 || 15 || spp_stream4: TTL Evasion attempt 111 || 16 || spp_stream4: Evasive retransmitted data attempt 111 || 17 || spp_stream4: Evasive retransmitted data with the data split attempt 111 || 18 || spp_stream4: Multiple acked 111 || 19 || spp_stream4: Shifting to Emergency Session Mode 111 || 20 || spp_stream4: Shifting to Suspend Mode 111 || 21 || spp_stream4: TCP Timestamp option has value of zero 111 || 22 || spp_stream4: Too many overlapping TCP packets 111 || 23 || spp_stream4: Packet in established TCP stream missing ACK 111 || 24 || spp_stream4: Evasive FIN Packet 111 || 25 || spp_stream4: SYN on established 112 || 1 || spp_arpspoof: Directed ARP Request 112 || 2 || spp_arpspoof: Etherframe ARP Mismatch SRC 112 || 3 || spp_arpspoof: Etherframe ARP Mismatch DST 112 || 4 || spp_arpspoof: ARP Cache Overwrite Attack 113 || 1 || spp_frag2: Oversized Frag 113 || 2 || spp_frag2: Teardrop/Fragmentation Overlap Attack 113 || 3 || spp_frag2: TTL evasion detected 113 || 4 || spp_frag2: overlap detected 113 || 5 || spp_frag2: Duplicate first fragments 113 || 6 || spp_frag2: memcap exceeded 113 || 7 || spp_frag2: Out of order fragments 113 || 8 || spp_frag2: IP Options on Fragmented Packet 113 || 9 || spp_frag2: Shifting to Emegency Session Mode 113 || 10 || spp_frag2: Shifting to Suspend Mode 114 || 1 || spp_fnord: Possible Mutated GENERIC NOP Sled detected 114 || 2 || spp_fnord: Possible Mutated IA32 NOP Sled detected 114 || 3 || spp_fnord: Possible Mutated HPPA NOP Sled detected 114 || 4 || spp_fnord: Possible Mutated SPARC NOP Sled detected 115 || 1 || spp_asn1: Indefinite ASN.1 length encoding 115 || 2 || spp_asn1: Invalid ASN.1 length encoding 115 || 3 || spp_asn1: ASN.1 oversized item, possible overflow 115 || 4 || spp_asn1: ASN.1 spec violation, possible overflow 115 || 5 || spp_asn1: ASN.1 Attack: Datum length > packet length 116 || 1 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Not IPv4 datagram 116 || 2 || snort_decoder: WARNING: hlen < IP_HEADER_LEN 116 || 3 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IP dgm len < IP Hdr len 116 || 4 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad IPv4 Options 116 || 5 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Truncated IPv4 Options 116 || 6 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IP dgm len > captured len 116 || 45 || snort_decoder: WARNING: TCP packet len is smaller than 20 bytes 116 || 46 || snort_decoder: WARNING: TCP Data Offset is less than 5 116 || 47 || snort_decoder: WARNING: TCP Data Offset is longer than payload 116 || 54 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Tcp Options found with bad lengths 116 || 55 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Truncated Tcp Options 116 || 56 || snort_decoder: WARNING: T/TCP Detected 116 || 57 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Obsolete TCP options 116 || 58 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Experimental TCP options 116 || 59 || snort_decoder: WARNING: TCP Window Scale Option Scale Invalid (> 14) 116 || 95 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Truncated UDP Header 116 || 96 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Invalid UDP header, length field < 8 116 || 97 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Short UDP packet, length field > payload length 116 || 98 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Long UDP packet, length field < payload length 116 || 105 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Header Truncated 116 || 106 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Timestamp Header Truncated 116 || 107 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Address Header Truncated 116 || 108 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Unknown Datagram decoding problem 116 || 109 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Truncated ARP Packet 116 || 110 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Truncated EAP Header 116 || 111 || snort_decoder: WARNING: EAP Key Truncated 116 || 112 || snort_decoder: WARNING: EAP Header Truncated 116 || 120 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad PPPOE frame detected 116 || 130 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad VLAN Frame 116 || 131 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad LLC header 116 || 132 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad Extra LLC Info 116 || 133 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad 802.11 LLC header 116 || 134 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad 802.11 Extra LLC Info 116 || 140 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad Token Ring Header 116 || 141 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad Token Ring ETHLLC Header 116 || 142 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad Token Ring MRLEN Header 116 || 143 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad Token Ring MR Header 116 || 150 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad Traffic Loopback IP 116 || 151 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad Traffic Same Src/Dst IP 116 || 160 || snort_decoder: WARNING: GRE header length > payload length 116 || 161 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Multiple encapsulations in packet 116 || 162 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Invalid GRE version 116 || 163 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Invalid GRE v.0 header 116 || 164 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Invalid GRE v.1 PPTP header 116 || 165 || snort_decoder: WARNING: GRE Trans header length > payload length 116 || 170 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad MPLS Frame 116 || 171 || snort_decoder: WARNING: MPLS Label 0 Appears in Nonbottom Header 116 || 172 || snort_decoder: WARNING: MPLS Label 1 Appears in Bottom Header 116 || 173 || snort_decoder: WARNING: MPLS Label 2 Appears in Nonbottom Header 116 || 174 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad use of label 3 116 || 175 || snort_decoder: WARNING: MPLS Label 4, 5,.. or 15 Appears in Header 116 || 176 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Too Many MPLS headers 116 || 250 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Original IP Header Truncated 116 || 251 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Original IP Header Not IPv4 116 || 252 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Original Datagram Length < Original IP Header Length 116 || 253 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Original IP Payload < 64 bits 116 || 254 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Original IP Payload > 576 bytes 116 || 255 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Original IP Fragmented and Offset Not 0 116 || 270 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV6 packet exceeded TTL limit 116 || 271 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 header claims to not be IPv6 116 || 272 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV6 truncated extension header 116 || 273 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV6 truncated header 116 || 274 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV6 dgm len < IPV6 Hdr len 116 || 275 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV6 dgm len > captured len 116 || 276 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 packet with destination address ::0 116 || 277 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 packet with multicast source address 116 || 278 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 packet with reserved multicast destination address 116 || 279 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 header includes an undefined option type 116 || 280 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 address includes an unassigned multicast scope value 116 || 281 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 header includes an invalid value for the "next header" field 116 || 282 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 header includes a routing extension header followed by a hop-by-hop header 116 || 283 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 header includes two routing extension headers 116 || 285 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMPv6 packet of type 2 (message too big) with MTU field < 1280 116 || 286 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMPv6 packet of type 1 (destination unreachable) with non-RFC 2463 code 116 || 287 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMPv6 router solicitation packet with a code not equal to 0 116 || 288 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMPv6 router advertisement packet with a code not equal to 0 116 || 289 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMPv6 router solicitation packet with the reserved field not equal to 0 116 || 290 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMPv6 router advertisement packet with the reachable time field set > 1 hour 116 || 291 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV6 tunneled over IPv4, IPv6 header truncated, possible Linux Kernel attack 116 || 292 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 header has destination options followed by a routing header 116 || 293 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Two or more IP (v4 and/or v6) encapsulation layers present 116 || 294 || snort_decoder: WARNING: truncated Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP) header 116 || 295 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 header includes an option which is too big for the containing header. 116 || 296 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPv6 packet includes out-of-order extension headers 116 || 297 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Two or more GTP encapsulation layers are present 116 || 298 || snort_decoder: WARNING: GTP header length is invalid 116 || 400 || snort_decoder: WARNING: XMAS Attack Detected 116 || 401 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Nmap XMAS Attack Detected 116 || 402 || snort_decoder: WARNING: DOS NAPTHA Vulnerability Detected 116 || 403 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Bad Traffic SYN to multicast address 116 || 404 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet with zero TTL 116 || 405 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet with bad frag bits (Both MF and DF set) 116 || 406 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Invalid IPv6 UDP packet, checksum zero 116 || 407 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet frag offset + length exceed maximum 116 || 408 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet from 'current net' source address 116 || 409 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet to 'current net' dest address 116 || 410 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet from multicast source address 116 || 411 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet from reserved source address 116 || 412 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet to reserved dest address 116 || 413 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet from broadcast source address 116 || 414 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet to broadcast dest address 116 || 415 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP4 packet to multicast dest address 116 || 416 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP4 packet to broadcast dest address 116 || 417 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP4 source quence 116 || 418 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP4 type other 116 || 419 || snort_decoder: WARNING: TCP urgent pointer exceeds payload length or no payload 116 || 420 || snort_decoder: WARNING: TCP SYN with FIN 116 || 421 || snort_decoder: WARNING: TCP SYN with RST 116 || 422 || snort_decoder: WARNING: TCP PDU missing ack for established session 116 || 423 || snort_decoder: WARNING: TCP has no SYN, ACK, or RST 116 || 424 || snort_decoder: WARNING: truncated eth header 116 || 425 || snort_decoder: WARNING: truncated IP4 header 116 || 426 || snort_decoder: WARNING: truncated ICMP4 header 116 || 427 || snort_decoder: WARNING: truncated ICMP6 header 116 || 428 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet below TTL limit 116 || 429 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV6 packet has zero hop limit 116 || 430 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV4 packet both DF and offset set 116 || 431 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP6 type not decoded 116 || 432 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP6 packet to multicast address 116 || 433 || snort_decoder: WARNING: DDOS shaft synflood 116 || 434 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP PING NMAP 116 || 435 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP icmpenum v1.1.1 116 || 436 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP redirect host 116 || 437 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP redirect net 116 || 438 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP traceroute ipopts 116 || 439 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Source Quench 116 || 440 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Broadscan Smurf Scanner 116 || 441 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Destination Unreachable Communication Administratively Prohibited 116 || 442 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Destination Unreachable Communication with Destination Host is Administratively Prohibited 116 || 443 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP Destination Unreachable Communication with Destination Network is Administratively Prohibited 116 || 444 || snort_decoder: WARNING: MISC IP option set 116 || 445 || snort_decoder: WARNING: MISC Large UDP Packet 116 || 446 || snort_decoder: WARNING: BAD-TRAFFIC TCP port 0 traffic 116 || 447 || snort_decoder: WARNING: BAD-TRAFFIC UDP port 0 traffic 116 || 448 || snort_decoder: WARNING: BAD-TRAFFIC IP reserved bit set 116 || 449 || snort_decoder: WARNING: BAD-TRAFFIC Unassigned/Reserved IP protocol 116 || 450 || snort_decoder: WARNING: BAD-TRAFFIC Bad IP protocol 116 || 451 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMP PATH MTU denial of service attempt 116 || 452 || snort_decoder: WARNING: BAD-TRAFFIC linux ICMP header dos attempt 116 || 453 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IPV6 ISATAP spoof 116 || 454 || snort_decoder: WARNING: PGM NAK overflow 116 || 455 || snort_decoder: WARNING: IGMP options dos 116 || 456 || snort_decoder: WARNING: too many IPV6 extension headers 116 || 457 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMPv6 packet of type 1 (destination unreachable) with non-RFC 4443 code 116 || 458 || snort_decoder: WARNING: bogus fragmentation packet. Possible BSD attack 116 || 459 || snort_decoder: WARNING: zero length fragment 116 || 460 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ICMPv6 node info query/response packet with a code greater than 2 116 || 461 || snort_decoder: WARNING: Deprecated IPv6 Type 0 Routing Header 116 || 462 || snort_decoder: WARNING: ERSpan Header version mismatch 116 || 463 || snort_decoder: WARNING: captured < ERSpan Type2 Header Length 116 || 464 || snort_decoder: WARNING: captured < ERSpan Type3 Header Length 116 || 467 || snort_decoder: WARNING: truncated FabricPath header 117 || 1 || spp_portscan2: Portscan detected 118 || 1 || spp_conversation: Bad IP protocol 119 || 1 || http_inspect: ASCII ENCODING 119 || 2 || http_inspect: DOUBLE DECODING ATTACK 119 || 3 || http_inspect: U ENCODING 119 || 4 || http_inspect: BARE BYTE UNICODE ENCODING 119 || 5 || http_inspect: BASE36 ENCODING 119 || 6 || http_inspect: UTF-8 ENCODING 119 || 7 || http_inspect: IIS UNICODE CODEPOINT ENCODING 119 || 8 || http_inspect: MULTI_SLASH ENCODING 119 || 9 || http_inspect: IIS BACKSLASH EVASION 119 || 10 || http_inspect: SELF DIRECTORY TRAVERSAL 119 || 11 || http_inspect: DIRECTORY TRAVERSAL 119 || 12 || http_inspect: APACHE WHITESPACE (TAB) 119 || 13 || http_inspect: NON-RFC HTTP DELIMITER 119 || 14 || http_inspect: NON-RFC DEFINED CHAR 119 || 15 || http_inspect: OVERSIZE REQUEST-URI DIRECTORY 119 || 16 || http_inspect: OVERSIZE CHUNK ENCODING 119 || 17 || http_inspect: UNAUTHORIZED PROXY USE DETECTED 119 || 18 || http_inspect: WEBROOT DIRECTORY TRAVERSAL 119 || 19 || http_inspect: LONG HEADER 119 || 20 || http_inspect: MAX HEADERS 119 || 21 || http_inspect: MULTIPLE CONTENT LENGTH HEADER FIELDS 119 || 22 || http_inspect: CHUNK SIZE MISMATCH DETECTED 119 || 23 || http_inspect: INVALID IP IN TRUE-CLIENT-IP/XFF HEADER 119 || 24 || http_inspect: MULTIPLE HOST HEADERS DETECTED 119 || 25 || http_inspect: HOSTNAME EXCEEDS 255 CHARACTERS 119 || 26 || http_inspect: HEADER PARSING SPACE SATURATION 119 || 27 || http_inspect: CHUNKED ENCODING - EXCESSIVE CONSECUTIVE SMALL CHUNKS 119 || 28 || http_inspect: POST W/O CONTENT-LENGTH OR CHUNKS 119 || 29 || http_inspect: MULTIPLE TRUE IPS IN A SESSION 119 || 30 || http_inspect: BOTH TRUE_CLIENT_IP AND XFF HDRS PRESENT 119 || 31 || http_inspect: UNKNOWN METHOD 119 || 32 || http_inspect: SIMPLE REQUEST 119 || 33 || http_inspect: UNESCAPED SPACE IN HTTP URI 119 || 34 || http_inspect: TOO MANY PIPELINED REQUESTS 120 || 1 || http_inspect: ANOMALOUS HTTP SERVER ON UNDEFINED HTTP PORT 120 || 2 || http_inspect: INVALID STATUS CODE IN HTTP RESPONSE 120 || 3 || http_inspect: NO CONTENT-LENGTH OR TRANSFER-ENCODING IN HTTP RESPONSE 120 || 4 || http_inspect: HTTP RESPONSE HAS UTF CHARSET WHICH FAILED TO NORMALIZE 120 || 5 || http_inspect: HTTP RESPONSE HAS UTF-7 CHARSET 120 || 6 || http_inspect: HTTP RESPONSE GZIP DECOMPRESSION FAILED 120 || 7 || http_inspect: CHUNKED ENCODING - EXCESSIVE CONSECUTIVE SMALL CHUNKS 120 || 8 || http_inspect: MESSAGE WITH INVALID CONTENT-LENGTH OR CHUNK SIZE 120 || 9 || http_inspect: JAVASCRIPT OBFUSCATION LEVELS EXCEEDS 1 120 || 10 || http_inspect: JAVASCRIPT WHITESPACES EXCEEDS MAX ALLOWED 120 || 11 || http_inspect: MULTIPLE ENCODINGS WITHIN JAVASCRIPT OBFUSCATED DATA 120 || 12 || http_inspect: SWF FILE ZLIB DECOMPRESSION FAILURE 120 || 13 || http_inspect: SWF FILE LZMA DECOMPRESSION FAILURE 120 || 14 || http_inspect: PDF FILE DEFLATE DECOMPRESSION FAILURE 120 || 15 || http_inspect: PDF FILE UNSUPPORTED COMPRESSION TYPES 120 || 16 || http_inspect: PDF FILE CASCADED COMPRESSION 120 || 17 || http_inspect: PDF FILE PARSE FAILURE 120 || 18 || http_inspect: PROTOCOL-OTHER HTTP server response before client request 120 || 19 || http_inspect: MULTIPLE CONTENT LENGTH IN HTTP RESPONSE 120 || 20 || http_inspect: MULTIPLE CONTENT ENCODING IN HTTP RESPONSE 120 || 21 || http_inspect: MULTIPLE COLON BETWEEN KEY AND VALUE IN HTTP RESPONSE HEADER 120 || 22 || http_inspect: INVALID CHARACTER BETWEEN KEY AND VALUE IN HTTP RESPONSE HEADER 120 || 23 || http_inspect: TRANSFER ENCODING:CHUNKED IN HTTP 1.0 REQUEST/RESPONSE HEADER 120 || 24 || http_inspect: PARTIAL DECOMPRESSION FAILURE IN HTTP RESPONSE BODY 120 || 25 || http_inspect: INVALID HEADER FOLDING 120 || 26 || http_inspect: JUNK LINE BEFORE HTTP RESPONSE HEADER 120 || 27 || http_inspect: NO END OF HEADER IN HTTP RESPONSE 120 || 28 || http_inspect: INVALID CHUNK SIZE OR CHUNK SIZE FOLLOWED BY JUNK CHARACTERS 121 || 1 || flow-portscan: Fixed Scale Scanner Limit Exceeded 121 || 2 || flow-portscan: Sliding Scale Scanner Limit Exceeded 121 || 3 || flow-portscan: Fixed Scale Talker Limit Exceeded 121 || 4 || flow-portscan: Sliding Scale Talker Limit Exceeded 122 || 1 || portscan: TCP Portscan 122 || 2 || portscan: TCP Decoy Portscan 122 || 3 || portscan: TCP Portsweep 122 || 4 || portscan: TCP Distributed Portscan 122 || 5 || portscan: TCP Filtered Portscan 122 || 6 || portscan: TCP Filtered Decoy Portscan 122 || 7 || portscan: TCP Filtered Portsweep 122 || 8 || portscan: TCP Filtered Distributed Portscan 122 || 9 || portscan: IP Protocol Scan 122 || 10 || portscan: IP Decoy Protocol Scan 122 || 11 || portscan: IP Protocol Sweep 122 || 12 || portscan: IP Distributed Protocol Scan 122 || 13 || portscan: IP Filtered Protocol Scan 122 || 14 || portscan: IP Filtered Decoy Protocol Scan 122 || 15 || portscan: IP Filtered Protocol Sweep 122 || 16 || portscan: IP Filtered Distributed Protocol Scan 122 || 17 || portscan: UDP Portscan 122 || 18 || portscan: UDP Decoy Portscan 122 || 19 || portscan: UDP Portsweep 122 || 20 || portscan: UDP Distributed Portscan 122 || 21 || portscan: UDP Filtered Portscan 122 || 22 || portscan: UDP Filtered Decoy Portscan 122 || 23 || portscan: UDP Filtered Portsweep 122 || 24 || portscan: UDP Filtered Distributed Portscan 122 || 25 || portscan: ICMP Sweep 122 || 26 || portscan: ICMP Filtered Sweep 122 || 27 || portscan: Open Port 123 || 1 || frag3: IP Options on fragmented packet 123 || 2 || frag3: Teardrop attack 123 || 3 || frag3: Short fragment, possible DoS attempt 123 || 4 || frag3: Fragment packet ends after defragmented packet 123 || 5 || frag3: Zero-byte fragment 123 || 6 || frag3: Bad fragment size, packet size is negative 123 || 7 || frag3: Bad fragment size, packet size is greater than 65536 123 || 8 || frag3: Fragmentation overlap 123 || 9 || frag3: IPv6 BSD mbufs remote kernel buffer overflow 123 || 10 || frag3: Bogus fragmentation packet. Possible BSD attack 123 || 11 || frag3: TTL value less than configured minimum, not using for reassembly 123 || 12 || frag3: Number of overlapping fragments exceed configured limit 123 || 13 || frag3: Fragments smaller than configured min_fragment_length 124 || 1 || smtp: Attempted command buffer overflow 124 || 2 || smtp: Attempted data header buffer overflow 124 || 3 || smtp: Attempted response buffer overflow 124 || 4 || smtp: Attempted specific command buffer overflow 124 || 5 || smtp: Unknown command 124 || 6 || smtp: Illegal command 124 || 7 || smtp: Attempted header name buffer overflow 124 || 8 || smtp: Attempted X-Link2State command buffer overflow 124 || 9 || smtp: No memory available for decoding. Max Mime Mem exceeded. 124 || 10 || smtp: Base64 Decoding failed 124 || 11 || smtp: Quoted-Printable Decoding failed 124 || 12 || smtp: Non-Encoded MIME attachment Extraction failed 124 || 13 || smtp: Unix-to-Unix Decoding failed 124 || 14 || smtp: Cyrus SASL authentication attack 125 || 1 || ftp_pp: Telnet command on FTP command channel 125 || 2 || ftp_pp: Invalid FTP command 125 || 3 || ftp_pp: FTP parameter length overflow 125 || 4 || ftp_pp: FTP malformed parameter 125 || 5 || ftp_pp: Possible string format attempt in FTP command/parameter 125 || 6 || ftp_pp: FTP response length overflow 125 || 7 || ftp_pp: FTP command channel encrypted 125 || 8 || ftp_pp: FTP bounce attack 125 || 9 || ftp_pp: Evasive Telnet command on FTP command channel 126 || 1 || telnet_pp: Telnet consecutive AYT overflow 126 || 2 || telnet_pp: Telnet data encrypted 126 || 3 || telnet_pp: Subnegotiation Begin without matching Subnegotiation End 128 || 1 || ssh: Gobbles exploit 128 || 2 || ssh: SSH1 CRC32 exploit 128 || 3 || ssh: Server version string overflow 128 || 4 || ssh: Protocol mismatch 128 || 5 || ssh: Bad message direction 128 || 6 || ssh: Payload size incorrect for the given payload 128 || 7 || ssh: Failed to detect SSH version string 129 || 1 || stream5: SYN on established session 129 || 2 || stream5: Data on SYN packet 129 || 3 || stream5: Data sent on stream not accepting data 129 || 4 || stream5: TCP Timestamp is outside of PAWS window 129 || 5 || stream5: Bad segment, overlap adjusted size less than/equal 0 129 || 6 || stream5: Window size (after scaling) larger than policy allows 129 || 7 || stream5: Limit on number of overlapping TCP packets reached 129 || 8 || stream5: Data sent on stream after TCP Reset 129 || 9 || stream5: TCP Client possibly hijacked, different Ethernet Address 129 || 10 || stream5: TCP Server possibly hijacked, different Ethernet Address 129 || 11 || stream5: TCP Data with no TCP Flags set 129 || 12 || stream5: TCP Small Segment Threshold Exceeded 129 || 13 || stream5: TCP 4-way handshake detected 129 || 14 || stream5: TCP Timestamp is missing 129 || 15 || stream5: Reset outside window 129 || 16 || stream5: FIN number is greater than prior FIN 129 || 17 || stream5: ACK number is greater than prior FIN 129 || 18 || stream5: Data sent on stream after TCP Reset received 129 || 19 || stream5: TCP window closed before receiving data 129 || 20 || stream5: TCP session without 3-way handshake 130 || 1 || dcerpc: Maximum memory usage reached 131 || 1 || dns: Obsolete DNS RData Type 131 || 2 || dns: Experimental DNS RData Type 131 || 3 || dns: Client RData TXT Overflow 133 || 1 || dcerpc2: Memory cap exceeded 133 || 2 || dcerpc2: SMB - Bad NetBIOS Session Service session type 133 || 3 || dcerpc2: SMB - Bad SMB message type 133 || 4 || dcerpc2: SMB - Bad SMB Id (not "\xffSMB" for SMB1 or not "\xfeSMB" for SMB2) 133 || 5 || dcerpc2: SMB - Bad word count or structure size for command 133 || 6 || dcerpc2: SMB - Bad byte count for command 133 || 7 || dcerpc2: SMB - Bad format type for command 133 || 8 || dcerpc2: SMB - Bad AndX or data offset in command 133 || 9 || dcerpc2: SMB - Zero total data count in command 133 || 10 || dcerpc2: SMB - NetBIOS data length less than SMB header length 133 || 11 || dcerpc2: SMB - Remaining NetBIOS data length less than command length 133 || 12 || dcerpc2: SMB - Remaining NetBIOS data length less than command byte count 133 || 13 || dcerpc2: SMB - Remaining NetBIOS data length less than command data size 133 || 14 || dcerpc2: SMB - Remaining total data count less than this command data size 133 || 15 || dcerpc2: SMB - Total data sent greater than command total data expected 133 || 16 || dcerpc2: SMB - Byte count less than command data size 133 || 17 || dcerpc2: SMB - Invalid command data size for byte count 133 || 18 || dcerpc2: SMB - Excessive Tree Connect requests with pending Tree Connect responses 133 || 19 || dcerpc2: SMB - Excessive Read requests with pending Read responses 133 || 20 || dcerpc2: SMB - Excessive command chaining 133 || 21 || dcerpc2: SMB - Multiple chained login requests 133 || 22 || dcerpc2: SMB - Multiple chained tree connect requests 133 || 23 || dcerpc2: SMB - Chained/Compounded login followed by logoff 133 || 24 || dcerpc2: SMB - Chained/Compounded tree connect followed by tree disconnect 133 || 25 || dcerpc2: SMB - Chained/Compounded open pipe followed by close pipe 133 || 26 || dcerpc2: SMB - Invalid share access 133 || 27 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - Invalid major version 133 || 28 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - Invalid minor version 133 || 29 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - Invalid pdu type 133 || 30 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - Fragment length less than header size 133 || 31 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - Remaining fragment length less than size needed 133 || 32 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - No context items specified 133 || 33 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - No transfer syntaxes specified 133 || 34 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - Fragment length on non-last fragment less than maximum negotiated fragment transmit size for client 133 || 35 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - Fragment length greater than maximum negotiated fragment transmit size 133 || 36 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - Alter Context byte order different from Bind 133 || 37 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - Call id of non first/last fragment different from call id established for fragmented request 133 || 38 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - Opnum of non first/last fragment different from opnum established for fragmented request 133 || 39 || dcerpc2: Connection-oriented DCE/RPC - Context id of non first/last fragment different from context id established for fragmented request 133 || 40 || dcerpc2: Connectionless DCE/RPC - Invalid major version 133 || 41 || dcerpc2: Connectionless DCE/RPC - Invalid pdu type 133 || 42 || dcerpc2: Connectionless DCE/RPC - Data length less than header size 133 || 43 || dcerpc2: Connectionless DCE/RPC - Bad sequence number #133 || 44 || dcerpc2: SMB - Invalid SMB version 1 seen #133 || 45 || dcerpc2: SMB - Invalid SMB version 2 seen #133 || 46 || dcerpc2: SMB - Invalid user, tree connect, file binding #133 || 47 || dcerpc2: SMB - Excessive command compounding 133 || 48 || dcerpc2: SMB - Zero data count 133 || 49 || dcerpc2: SMB - Data count mismatch 133 || 50 || dcerpc2: SMB - Maximum number of outstanding requests exceeded 133 || 51 || dcerpc2: SMB - Outstanding requests with the same MID 133 || 52 || dcerpc2: SMB - Deprecated dialect negotiated 133 || 53 || dcerpc2: SMB - Deprecated command used 133 || 54 || dcerpc2: SMB - Unusual command used 133 || 55 || dcerpc2: SMB - Invalid setup count 133 || 56 || dcerpc2: SMB - Client attempted multiple dialect negotiations on session 133 || 57 || dcerpc2: SMB - Client attempted to create or set a file's attributes to readonly/hidden/system 133 || 58 || dcerpc2: SMB - File offset provided is greater than file size specified 133 || 59 || dcerpc2: SMB - Nextcommand specified in SMB2 header is beyond payload boundary 134 || 1 || ppm: rule tree disabled 134 || 2 || ppm: rule tree enabled 134 || 3 || ppm: packet aborted 135 || 1 || internal: syn received 135 || 2 || internal: session established 135 || 3 || internal: session cleared 136 || 1 || reputation: Packet is blacklisted 136 || 2 || reputation: Packet is whitelisted 137 || 1 || spp_ssl: Invalid Client HELLO after Server HELLO Detected 137 || 2 || spp_ssl: Invalid Server HELLO without Client HELLO Detected 137 || 3 || spp_ssl: Heartbeat Read Overrun Attempt Detected 137 || 4 || spp_ssl: Large Heartbeat Response Detected 138 || 2 || sensitive_data: sensitive data - Credit card numbers 138 || 3 || sensitive_data: sensitive data - U.S. social security numbers with dashes 138 || 4 || sensitive_data: sensitive data - U.S. social security numbers without dashes 138 || 5 || sensitive_data: sensitive data - eMail addresses 138 || 6 || sensitive_data: sensitive data - U.S. phone numbers 139 || 1 || sensitive_data: sensitive data global threshold exceeded 140 || 1 || sip: Maximum sessions reached 140 || 2 || sip: Empty request URI 140 || 3 || sip: URI is too long 140 || 4 || sip: Empty call-Id 140 || 5 || sip: Call-Id is too long 140 || 6 || sip: CSeq number is too large or negative 140 || 7 || sip: Request name in CSeq is too long 140 || 8 || sip: Empty From header 140 || 9 || sip: From header is too long 140 || 10 || sip: Empty To header 140 || 11 || sip: To header is too long 140 || 12 || sip: Empty Via header 140 || 13 || sip: Via header is too long 140 || 14 || sip: Empty Contact 140 || 15 || sip: Contact is too long 140 || 16 || sip: Content length is too large or negative 140 || 17 || sip: Multiple SIP messages in a packet 140 || 18 || sip: Content length mismatch 140 || 19 || sip: Request name is invalid 140 || 20 || sip: Invite replay attack 140 || 21 || sip: Illegal session information modification 140 || 22 || sip: Response status code is not a 3 digit number 140 || 23 || sip: Empty Content type 140 || 24 || sip: SIP version other than 2.0, 1.0, and 1.1 are invalid 140 || 25 || sip: Mismatch in Method of request and the CSEQ header 140 || 26 || sip: The method is unknown 140 || 27 || sip: Maximum dialogs in a session reached 141 || 1 || imap: Unknown IMAP4 command 141 || 2 || imap: Unknown IMAP4 response 141 || 3 || imap: No memory available for decoding. Memcap exceeded. 141 || 4 || imap: Base64 Decoding failed 141 || 5 || imap: Quoted-Printable Decoding failed 141 || 6 || imap: Non-Encoded MIME attachment Extraction failed 141 || 7 || imap: Unix-to-Unix Decoding failed 142 || 1 || pop: Unknown POP3 command 142 || 2 || pop: Unknown POP3 response 142 || 3 || pop: No memory available for decoding. Memcap exceeded. 142 || 4 || pop: Base64 Decoding failed 142 || 5 || pop: Quoted-Printable Decoding failed 142 || 6 || pop: Non-Encoded MIME attachment Extraction failed 142 || 7 || pop: Unix-to-Unix Decoding failed 143 || 1 || gtp: Message length is invalid 143 || 2 || gtp: Information element length is invalid 143 || 3 || gtp: Information elements are out of order 144 || 1 || modbus: Length in Modbus MBAP header does not match the length needed for the given Modbus function. 144 || 2 || modbus: Modbus protocol ID is non-zero. 144 || 3 || modbus: Reserved Modbus function code in use. 145 || 1 || dnp3: DNP3 Link-Layer Frame contains bad CRC. 145 || 2 || dnp3: DNP3 Link-Layer Frame was dropped. 145 || 3 || dnp3: DNP3 Transport-Layer Segment was dropped during reassembly. 145 || 4 || dnp3: DNP3 Reassembly Buffer was cleared without reassembling a complete message. 145 || 5 || dnp3: DNP3 Link-Layer Frame uses a reserved address. 145 || 6 || dnp3: DNP3 Application-Layer Fragment uses a reserved function code.