2016-11-17 07:33:16 +03:00

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# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Tests for dag_pipeline."""
import collections
# internal imports
import tensorflow as tf
from magenta.pipelines import dag_pipeline
from magenta.pipelines import pipeline
from magenta.pipelines import statistics
Type0 = collections.namedtuple('Type0', ['x', 'y', 'z'])
Type1 = collections.namedtuple('Type1', ['x', 'y'])
Type2 = collections.namedtuple('Type2', ['z'])
Type3 = collections.namedtuple('Type3', ['s', 't'])
Type4 = collections.namedtuple('Type4', ['s', 't', 'z'])
Type5 = collections.namedtuple('Type5', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'z'])
class UnitA(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'t1': Type1, 't2': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
t1 = Type1(x=input_object.x, y=input_object.y)
t2 = Type2(z=input_object.z)
return {'t1': [t1], 't2': [t2]}
class UnitB(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, Type3)
def transform(self, input_object):
t3 = Type3(s=input_object.x * 1000, t=input_object.y - 100)
return [t3]
class UnitC(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
{'A_data': Type2, 'B_data': Type3},
{'regular_data': Type4, 'special_data': Type4})
def transform(self, input_object):
s = input_object['B_data'].s
t = input_object['B_data'].t
z = input_object['A_data'].z
regular = Type4(s=s, t=t, z=0)
special = Type4(s=s + z * 100, t=t - z * 100, z=z)
return {'regular_data': [regular], 'special_data': [special]}
class UnitD(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
self, {'0': Type4, '1': Type3, '2': Type4}, Type5)
def transform(self, input_object):
assert input_object['1'].s == input_object['0'].s
assert input_object['1'].t == input_object['0'].t
t5 = Type5(
a=input_object['0'].s, b=input_object['0'].t,
c=input_object['2'].s, d=input_object['2'].t, z=input_object['2'].z)
return [t5]
class DAGPipelineTest(tf.test.TestCase):
def testDAGPipelineInputAndOutputType(self):
# Tests that the DAGPipeline has the correct `input_type` and
# `output_type` values based on the DAG given to it.
a, b, c, d = UnitA(), UnitB(), UnitC(), UnitD()
dag = {a: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
b: a['t1'],
c: {'A_data': a['t2'], 'B_data': b},
d: {'0': c['regular_data'], '1': b, '2': c['special_data']},
dag_pipeline.Output('abcdz'): d}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
self.assertEqual(p.input_type, Type0)
self.assertEqual(p.output_type, {'abcdz': Type5})
dag = {a: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
dag_pipeline.Output('t1'): a['t1'],
dag_pipeline.Output('t2'): a['t2']}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
self.assertEqual(p.input_type, Type0)
self.assertEqual(p.output_type, {'t1': Type1, 't2': Type2})
def testSingleOutputs(self):
# Tests single object and dictionaries in the DAG.
a, b, c, d = UnitA(), UnitB(), UnitC(), UnitD()
dag = {a: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
b: a['t1'],
c: {'A_data': a['t2'], 'B_data': b},
d: {'0': c['regular_data'], '1': b, '2': c['special_data']},
dag_pipeline.Output('abcdz'): d}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
inputs = [Type0(1, 2, 3), Type0(-1, -2, -3), Type0(3, -3, 2)]
for input_object in inputs:
x, y, z = input_object.x, input_object.y, input_object.z
output_dict = p.transform(input_object)
self.assertEqual(output_dict.keys(), ['abcdz'])
results = output_dict['abcdz']
self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
result = results[0]
self.assertEqual(result.a, x * 1000)
self.assertEqual(result.b, y - 100)
self.assertEqual(result.c, x * 1000 + z * 100)
self.assertEqual(result.d, y - 100 - z * 100)
self.assertEqual(result.z, z)
def testMultiOutput(self):
# Tests a pipeline.Pipeline that maps a single input to multiple outputs.
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'t1': Type1, 't2': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
t1 = [Type1(x=input_object.x + i, y=input_object.y + i)
for i in range(input_object.z)]
t2 = [Type2(z=input_object.z)]
return {'t1': t1, 't2': t2}
q, b, c = UnitQ(), UnitB(), UnitC()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
b: q['t1'],
c: {'A_data': q['t2'], 'B_data': b},
dag_pipeline.Output('outputs'): c['regular_data']}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
x, y, z = 1, 2, 3
output_dict = p.transform(Type0(x, y, z))
self.assertEqual(output_dict.keys(), ['outputs'])
results = output_dict['outputs']
self.assertEqual(len(results), 3)
expected_results = [Type4((x + i) * 1000, (y + i) - 100, 0)
for i in range(z)]
self.assertEqual(set(results), set(expected_results))
def testUnequalOutputCounts(self):
# Tests dictionary output type where each output list has a different size.
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1)
def transform(self, input_object):
return [Type1(x=input_object.x + i, y=input_object.y + i)
for i in range(input_object.z)]
class Partitioner(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self, input_type, training_set_name, test_set_name):
self.training_set_name = training_set_name
self.test_set_name = test_set_name
{training_set_name: input_type, test_set_name: input_type})
def transform(self, input_object):
if input_object.x < 0:
return {self.training_set_name: [],
self.test_set_name: [input_object]}
return {self.training_set_name: [input_object], self.test_set_name: []}
q = UnitQ()
partition = Partitioner(q.output_type, 'training_set', 'test_set')
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
partition: q,
dag_pipeline.Output('training_set'): partition['training_set'],
dag_pipeline.Output('test_set'): partition['test_set']}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
x, y, z = -3, 0, 8
output_dict = p.transform(Type0(x, y, z))
self.assertEqual(set(output_dict.keys()), set(['training_set', 'test_set']))
training_results = output_dict['training_set']
test_results = output_dict['test_set']
expected_training_results = [Type1(x + i, y + i) for i in range(-x, z)]
expected_test_results = [Type1(x + i, y + i) for i in range(0, -x)]
self.assertEqual(set(training_results), set(expected_training_results))
self.assertEqual(set(test_results), set(expected_test_results))
def testIntermediateUnequalOutputCounts(self):
# Tests that intermediate output lists which are not the same length are
# handled correctly.
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
return {'xy': [Type1(x=input_object.x + i, y=input_object.y + i)
for i in range(input_object.z)],
'z': [Type2(z=i) for i in [-input_object.z, input_object.z]]}
class Partitioner(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self, input_type, training_set_name, test_set_name):
self.training_set_name = training_set_name
self.test_set_name = test_set_name
{training_set_name: Type0, test_set_name: Type0})
def transform(self, input_dict):
input_object = Type0(input_dict['xy'].x,
if input_object.x < 0:
return {self.training_set_name: [],
self.test_set_name: [input_object]}
return {self.training_set_name: [input_object], self.test_set_name: []}
q = UnitQ()
partition = Partitioner(q.output_type, 'training_set', 'test_set')
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
partition: {'xy': q['xy'], 'z': q['z']},
dag_pipeline.Output('training_set'): partition['training_set'],
dag_pipeline.Output('test_set'): partition['test_set']}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
x, y, z = -3, 0, 8
output_dict = p.transform(Type0(x, y, z))
self.assertEqual(set(output_dict.keys()), set(['training_set', 'test_set']))
training_results = output_dict['training_set']
test_results = output_dict['test_set']
all_expected_results = [Type0(x + i, y + i, zed)
for i in range(0, z) for zed in [-z, z]]
expected_training_results = [sample for sample in all_expected_results
if sample.x >= 0]
expected_test_results = [sample for sample in all_expected_results
if sample.x < 0]
self.assertEqual(set(training_results), set(expected_training_results))
self.assertEqual(set(test_results), set(expected_test_results))
def testDirectConnection(self):
# Tests a direct dict to dict connection in the DAG.
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
return {'xy': [Type1(x=input_object.x, y=input_object.y)],
'z': [Type2(z=input_object.z)]}
class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}, Type4)
def transform(self, input_dict):
return [Type4(input_dict['xy'].x,
q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
r: q,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
x, y, z = -3, 0, 8
output_dict = p.transform(Type0(x, y, z))
self.assertEqual(output_dict, {'output': [Type4(x, y, z)]})
def testOutputConnectedToDict(self):
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
return {'xy': [Type1(x=input_object.x, y=input_object.y)],
'z': [Type2(z=input_object.z)]}
q = UnitQ()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
dag_pipeline.Output(): q}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
self.assertEqual(p.output_type, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2})
x, y, z = -3, 0, 8
output_dict = p.transform(Type0(x, y, z))
self.assertEqual(output_dict, {'xy': [Type1(x, y)], 'z': [Type2(z)]})
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
dag_pipeline.Output(): {'xy': q['xy'], 'z': q['z']}}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
self.assertEqual(p.output_type, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2})
x, y, z = -3, 0, 8
output_dict = p.transform(Type0(x, y, z))
self.assertEqual(output_dict, {'xy': [Type1(x, y)], 'z': [Type2(z)]})
def testNoOutputs(self):
# Test that empty lists or dicts as intermediate or final outputs don't
# break anything.
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
return {'xy': [], 'z': []}
class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2}, Type4)
def transform(self, input_dict):
return [Type4(input_dict['xy'].x,
class UnitS(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1)
def transform(self, input_dict):
return []
q, r, s = UnitQ(), UnitR(), UnitS()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
r: q,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
self.assertEqual(p.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3)), {'output': []})
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
s: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
r: {'xy': s, 'z': q['z']},
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
self.assertEqual(p.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3)), {'output': []})
dag = {s: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): s}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
self.assertEqual(p.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3)), {'output': []})
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
dag_pipeline.Output(): q}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
self.assertEqual(p.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3)), {'xy': [], 'z': []})
def testNoPipelines(self):
dag = {dag_pipeline.Output('output'): dag_pipeline.Input(Type0)}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
self.assertEqual(p.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3)), {'output': [Type0(1, 2, 3)]})
def testStatistics(self):
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1)
self.stats = []
def transform(self, input_object):
self._set_stats([statistics.Counter('output_count', input_object.z)])
return [Type1(x=input_object.x + i, y=input_object.y + i)
for i in range(input_object.z)]
class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, Type1)
def transform(self, input_object):
self._set_stats([statistics.Counter('input_count', 1)])
return [input_object]
q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
r: q,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag, 'DAGPipelineName')
for x, y, z in [(-3, 0, 8), (1, 2, 3), (5, -5, 5)]:
p.transform(Type0(x, y, z))
stats_1 = p.get_stats()
stats_2 = p.get_stats()
self.assertEqual(stats_1, stats_2)
for stat in stats_1:
self.assertTrue(isinstance(stat, statistics.Counter))
names = sorted([ for stat in stats_1])
(['DAGPipelineName_UnitQ_output_count'] +
['DAGPipelineName_UnitR_input_count'] * z))
for stat in stats_1:
if == 'DAGPipelineName_UnitQ_output_count':
self.assertEqual(stat.count, z)
self.assertEqual(stat.count, 1)
def testInvalidDAGException(self):
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'a': Type1, 'b': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, Type2)
def transform(self, input_object):
q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
UnitR: q,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGException):
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
'r': q,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGException):
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
r: UnitQ,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGException):
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
r: 123,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGException):
dag = {dag_pipeline.Input(Type0): q,
dag_pipeline.Output(): q}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGException):
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
q: dag_pipeline.Output('output')}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGException):
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
r: {'abc': q['a'], 'def': 123},
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGException):
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
r: {123: q['a']},
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDAGException):
def testTypeMismatchException(self):
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1)
def transform(self, input_object):
class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, {'a': Type2, 'b': Type3})
def transform(self, input_object):
class UnitS(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, {'x': Type2, 'y': Type3}, Type4)
def transform(self, input_object):
class UnitT(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, {'x': Type2, 'y': Type5}, Type4)
def transform(self, input_object):
q, r, s, t = UnitQ(), UnitR(), UnitS(), UnitT()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type1),
r: q,
s: r,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): s}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.TypeMismatchException):
q2 = UnitQ()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
q2: q,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): q2}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.TypeMismatchException):
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
r: q,
s: {'x': r['b'], 'y': r['a']},
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): s}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.TypeMismatchException):
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
r: q,
t: r,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): t}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.TypeMismatchException):
def testDependencyLoops(self):
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1)
def transform(self, input_object):
class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, Type0)
def transform(self, input_object):
class UnitS(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, {'a': Type1, 'b': Type0}, Type1)
def transform(self, input_object):
class UnitT(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self, name='UnitT'):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type0, name)
def transform(self, input_object):
q, r, s, t = UnitQ(), UnitR(), UnitS(), UnitT()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
s: {'a': q, 'b': r},
r: s,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r,
dag_pipeline.Output('output_2'): s}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadTopologyException):
dag = {s: {'a': dag_pipeline.Input(Type1), 'b': r},
r: s,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadTopologyException):
dag = {dag_pipeline.Output('output'): dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
t: t}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadTopologyException):
t2 = UnitT('UnitT2')
dag = {dag_pipeline.Output('output'): dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
t2: t,
t: t2}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadTopologyException):
def testDisjointGraph(self):
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1)
def transform(self, input_object):
class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, {'a': Type2, 'b': Type3})
def transform(self, input_object):
q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
dag_pipeline.Output(): r}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.NotConnectedException):
q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
dag_pipeline.Output(): {'a': q, 'b': r['b']}}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.NotConnectedException):
# Pipelines that do not output to anywhere are not allowed.
dag = {dag_pipeline.Output('output'): dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
q: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
r: q}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.NotConnectedException):
# Pipelines which need to be executed but don't have inputs are not allowed.
dag = {dag_pipeline.Output('output'): dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
r: q,
dag_pipeline.Output(): r}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.NotConnectedException):
def testBadInputOrOutputException(self):
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self, name='UnitQ'):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1, name)
def transform(self, input_object):
class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type1, Type0)
def transform(self, input_object):
# Missing Input.
q, r = UnitQ(), UnitR()
dag = {r: q,
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadInputOrOutputException):
# Missing Output.
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
r: q}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadInputOrOutputException):
# Multiple instances of Input with the same type IS allowed.
q2 = UnitQ('UnitQ2')
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
q2: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
dag_pipeline.Output(): {'q': q, 'q2': q2}}
_ = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
# Multiple instances with different types is not allowed.
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
r: dag_pipeline.Input(Type1),
dag_pipeline.Output(): {'q': q, 'r': r}}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.BadInputOrOutputException):
def testDuplicateNameException(self):
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self, name='UnitQ'):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1, name)
def transform(self, input_object):
q, q2 = UnitQ(), UnitQ()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
q2: dag_pipeline.Input(Type0),
dag_pipeline.Output(): {'q': q, 'q2': q2}}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.DuplicateNameException):
def testInvalidDictionaryOutput(self):
b = UnitB()
dag = {b: dag_pipeline.Input(b.input_type),
dag_pipeline.Output(): b}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDictionaryOutput):
a = UnitA()
dag = {a: dag_pipeline.Input(b.input_type),
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): a}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDictionaryOutput):
a2 = UnitA()
dag = {a: dag_pipeline.Input(a.input_type),
a2: dag_pipeline.Input(a2.input_type),
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): {'t1': a['t1'], 't2': a2['t2']}}
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidDictionaryOutput):
def testInvalidTransformOutputException(self):
# This happens when the output of a pipeline's `transform` method does not
# match the type signature given by the pipeline's `output_type`.
class UnitQ1(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1)
def transform(self, input_object):
return [Type2(1)]
class UnitQ2(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1)
def transform(self, input_object):
return [Type1(1, 2), Type2(1)]
class UnitQ3(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, Type1)
def transform(self, input_object):
return Type1(1, 2)
class UnitR1(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
return {'xy': [Type1(1, 2)], 'z': [Type1(1, 2)]}
class UnitR2(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
return {'xy': [Type1(1, 2)]}
class UnitR3(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
return [{'xy': [Type1(1, 2)], 'z': Type2(1)}]
class UnitR4(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
return [{'xy': [Type1(1, 2), Type2(1)], 'z': [Type2(1)]}]
class UnitR5(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, Type0, {'xy': Type1, 'z': Type2})
def transform(self, input_object):
return [{'xy': [Type1(1, 2), Type1(1, 3)], 'z': [Type2(1)], 'q': []}]
for pipeline_class in [UnitQ1, UnitQ2, UnitQ3,
UnitR1, UnitR2, UnitR3, UnitR4, UnitR5]:
pipe = pipeline_class()
output = (
if pipeline_class.__name__.startswith('UnitR')
else dag_pipeline.Output('output'))
dag = {pipe: dag_pipeline.Input(pipe.input_type),
output: pipe}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
with self.assertRaises(dag_pipeline.InvalidTransformOutputException):
p.transform(Type0(1, 2, 3))
def testInvalidStatisticsException(self):
class UnitQ(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, str, str)
def transform(self, input_object):
self._set_stats([statistics.Counter('stat_1', 5), 1234])
return [input_object]
class UnitR(pipeline.Pipeline):
def __init__(self):
pipeline.Pipeline.__init__(self, str, str)
def transform(self, input_object):
self._set_stats(statistics.Counter('stat_1', 5))
return [input_object]
q = UnitQ()
dag = {q: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): q}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
with self.assertRaises(pipeline.InvalidStatisticsException):
p.transform('hello world')
r = UnitR()
dag = {r: dag_pipeline.Input(q.input_type),
dag_pipeline.Output('output'): r}
p = dag_pipeline.DAGPipeline(dag)
with self.assertRaises(pipeline.InvalidStatisticsException):
p.transform('hello world')
if __name__ == '__main__':